RAC Pro enable businesses to conduct risk assessments and meetings while communicating, documenting and storing data essential to their business in a safe and secure manner. The RAC Pro platform comprises three major modules:

RAC Pro allows businesses to assess, identify and manage their operational and functional risks via an easy to use automated visual dashboard. Alerts, and questionnaires based on specific alerts, allow monitoring and tracking of risks brought on by non-conformance. All data collected is housed in one location providing added security and accessibility. Features include:

  • Setup Risk Appetites and controls for clients
  • Automated and manual inputs to risk registers allow for generation of risk summaries and visuals. This standardises the process of identifying, analysing, assessing, and mitigating risks according to the level of risk severity and other factors
  • Generate risk policies specific to each use case and use collected historical data as a guide in identifying potential future risks.
  • The process used increases employee involvement and makes it easy for the clients to integrate risk into their business strategies.
  • Infographic representation of the risk assessment and corresponding visuals enhances the quality of information and reports resulting in appropriate actions and risk reduction.
  • Report generation in excel, word and PDF formats efficiently implements the process of assigning, monitoring, tracking, solving, and archiving all the steps and information involved in managing risks for the client.
Bilston Rac Pro Risk Graphs
Bilston Rac Pro Meeting Minutes Screen

RAC Pro includes video recordings and automated workflow for the generation of actions and reminders. Features include:

  • Setup ZOOM meetings straight from the application
  • Auto email reminders and meeting invites for all participants
  • Capture meeting minutes and to do lists
  • Automated workflow to generate action points based on meeting outcomes and auto reminders
  • Attach audio, video meeting recordings and all type of media files to support follow up actions
  • Sync with Google and ZOOM calendars

RAC Pro facilitates automated and manual communication within your team and with clients. This involves in-application message communication enhancing data security. Facilitate seamless, automated and manual communication within your team and clients. Features include:

  • Automated email notification for all important events in the application
  • In app messaging to manage communication with clients
  • Reminders and auto generated action lists
  • Login / Registration, forgot password and change password
  • Profile management and user specific preference settings
  • Ability to interact with 3rd party and AFS database for dataset verification and authorization, subject to necessary permissions to allow user platform APIs to read and write data from 3rd party servers
  • Dashboard with list of all clients and states represented in infographics
  • Summary of recent activities and highlights displayed in dashboard
Bilston Rac Pro Register List